The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel by Thornton W. Burgess

The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel by Thornton W. Burgess

Author:Thornton W. Burgess
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780486111728
Publisher: Dover Publications
Published: 2012-10-19T00:00:00+00:00


Chatterer Is Put in Prison

Who ever does a deed that’s wrong

Will surely find some day

That for that naughty act of his

He’ll surely have to pay.

THAT WAS the way with Chatterer. Of course he had had no business to steal corn from Farmer Brown’s corn-crib. To be sure he had felt that he had just as much right to that corn as Farmer Brown had. You see, the little people of the Green Meadows and the Green Forest feel that everything that grows belongs to them, if they want it and are smart enough to get it before some one else does. But it is just there that Chatterer went wrong. Farmer Brown had harvested that corn and stored it in his corn-crib, and so, of course, no one else had any right to it. Right down deep in his heart Chatterer knew this. If he hadn’t known it, he wouldn’t have been so sly in taking what he wanted. He knew all the time that he was stealing, but he tried to make himself believe that it was all right. So he had kept on stealing and stealing until at last he was caught in a trap, and now he had got to pay for his wrong-doing.

Chatterer was very miserable, so miserable and frightened that he could do nothing but sit huddled up in a little shivery ball. He hadn’t the least doubt in the world that this was his very last day, and that Farmer Brown’s boy would turn him over to cruel Black Pussy for her breakfast. Farmer Brown’s boy had left him in the trap in the house and had gone out. For a long time Chatterer could hear pounding out in the woodshed, and Farmer Brown’s boy was whistling as he pounded. Chatterer wondered how he could whistle and seem so happy when he meant to do such a dreadful thing as to give him to Black Pussy. After what seemed a very long time, ages and ages, Farmer Brown’s boy came back. He had with him a queer looking box.

“There,” said he, “is a new home for you, you little red imp! I guess it will keep you out of trouble for a while.”

He slid back a little door in the top of the box, and then, putting on a stout glove and opening a little door in the trap, he put in his big hand and closed it around Chatterer.

Poor little Chatterer! He was sure now that this was the end, and that he was to be given to Black Pussy, who was looking on with hungry, yellow eyes. He struggled and did his best to bite, but the thick glove gave his sharp little teeth no chance to hurt the hand that held him. Even in his terror, he noticed that that big hand tried to be gentle and squeezed him no tighter than was necessary. Then he was lifted out of the trap and dropped through the little doorway in the top of the queer box, and the door was fastened.


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